
Securities Offering Platform

Watchdog Capital is an SEC registered broker-dealer and FINRA member who works to match companies with capital. We are here to help create the next generation of businesses by facilitating capital formation and connecting investors with emerging, high-impact opportunities. Through our securities offering platform, we intend to facilitate exempt securities offerings under Regulation D, Regulation CF and Regulation A.

What our platform does: Watchdog Capital helps match companies and investors. Our products and services are designed for a global audience with a particular focus on products compliant with U.S. law. Our platform is here to help connect investors to high-impact opportunities that will help shape the next phase of the global economy.

For Issuers: Our platform helps to connect your business with investors to raise funds for your company. Our secure platform handles the backend and logistics work, saving you time to focus on a successful raise.

For Investors: Our platform allows customers to invest in emerging trends and the companies focused on building the next phase of global business. We will be able to work with a wide range of industries including tech, blockchain, financial services, food service, retail, gaming and real estate.

  • Show All
  • Blockchain
  • Consumer Goods
  • FinTech
  • Mobile Apps
  • Software
  • Startups
  • Securities Industry
  • Entertainment/Gaming

There are currently no live offerings on the portal, but the firm is accepting offering applications from Issuers.